MeRcy_PM 2017-05-22 19:30:18 1548 收藏 3
分类专栏: 开源代码阅读 传输协议 webrtc 文章标签: 代码分析 webrtc
@(webrtc)[webrtc, congestion control]
Webrtc delay-base-bwe代码分析(2): InterArrival模块
0. 参考文档
[1] google congestion control
[2] Rtp payload format for h264
1. 功能
The arrival-time filter. The goal of this block is to produce an estimate m(ti) of the one way delay gradient. For this purpose, we employ a Kalman filter that estimatesm(ti) based on the measured one way delay gradient dm(ti) which is computed as follows:
dm(t(i) = (t(i) - t(i-1))-(Ti - T(i-1))
where Ti is the time at which the first packet of the i-th video frame has been sent and ti is the time at which the last packet that forms the video frame has been received.
2. 流程
注3:这里默认的一个group时间为5ms,对于rtp的timestamp默认频率,450个rtp timestamp为一个group的tick。
3. 代码
流程比较简单,主要就是new group的判断,以及group时间的更新和差值计算。
bool InterArrival::ComputeDeltas(uint32_t timestamp,
int64_t arrival_time_ms,
int64_t system_time_ms,
size_t packet_size,
uint32_t* timestamp_delta,
int64_t* arrival_time_delta_ms,
int* packet_size_delta) {
assert(timestamp_delta != NULL);
assert(arrival_time_delta_ms != NULL);
assert(packet_size_delta != NULL);
bool calculated_deltas = false;
if (current_timestamp_group_.IsFirstPacket()) {
// We don't have enough data to update the filter, so we store it until we
// have two frames of data to process.
// 尚未完全初始化
current_timestamp_group_.timestamp = timestamp;
current_timestamp_group_.first_timestamp = timestamp;
} else if (!PacketInOrder(timestamp)) {
return false;
} else if (NewTimestampGroup(arrival_time_ms, timestamp)) {
// First packet of a later frame, the previous frame sample is ready.
// 需要新开一个group,此时计算prev_group和current_group的差值。
if (prev_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms >= 0) {
// 发送时间的差值,即公式中的T(i) - T(i - 1)
*timestamp_delta = current_timestamp_group_.timestamp -
// 接收时间的差值,即公式中的t(i) - t(i - 1)
*arrival_time_delta_ms = current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms -
// Check system time differences to see if we have an unproportional jump
// in arrival time. In that case reset the inter-arrival computations.
// 防止一些时间戳异常处理。
int64_t system_time_delta_ms =
current_timestamp_group_.last_system_time_ms -
if (*arrival_time_delta_ms - system_time_delta_ms >=
kArrivalTimeOffsetThresholdMs) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The arrival time clock offset has changed (diff = "
<< *arrival_time_delta_ms - system_time_delta_ms
<< " ms), resetting.";
return false;
// 乱序包的异常处理
if (*arrival_time_delta_ms < 0) {
// The group of packets has been reordered since receiving its local
// arrival timestamp.
// 连续乱序包的异常处理
if (num_consecutive_reordered_packets_ >= kReorderedResetThreshold) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Packets are being reordered on the path from the "
"socket to the bandwidth estimator. Ignoring this "
"packet for bandwidth estimation, resetting.";
return false;
} else {
num_consecutive_reordered_packets_ = 0;
assert(*arrival_time_delta_ms >= 0);
*packet_size_delta = static_cast<int>(current_timestamp_group_.size) -
calculated_deltas = true;
// 更新整组group
prev_timestamp_group_ = current_timestamp_group_;
// The new timestamp is now the current frame.
current_timestamp_group_.first_timestamp = timestamp;
current_timestamp_group_.timestamp = timestamp;
current_timestamp_group_.size = 0;
} else {
// 还在之前的时间范围内,此时将rtp timestanp更新,更新为一个新值。
current_timestamp_group_.timestamp = LatestTimestamp(
current_timestamp_group_.timestamp, timestamp);
// Accumulate the frame size.
// 更新group中的数据。
current_timestamp_group_.size += packet_size;
current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms = arrival_time_ms;
current_timestamp_group_.last_system_time_ms = system_time_ms;
return calculated_deltas;
// Assumes that |timestamp| is not reordered compared to
// |current_timestamp_group_|.
bool InterArrival::NewTimestampGroup(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
uint32_t timestamp) const {
if (current_timestamp_group_.IsFirstPacket()) {
return false;
} else if (BelongsToBurst(arrival_time_ms, timestamp)) {
return false;
} else {
uint32_t timestamp_diff = timestamp -
// rtp时间差大于一个Tick,即 90 * 5 个rtp时间采样点。
return timestamp_diff > kTimestampGroupLengthTicks;
// 允许group超出定死的group时间范围。
// 当这个函数返回false,会认为不是一个新的group。
bool InterArrival::BelongsToBurst(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
uint32_t timestamp) const {
if (!burst_grouping_) {
return false;
assert(current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms >= 0);
int64_t arrival_time_delta_ms = arrival_time_ms -
uint32_t timestamp_diff = timestamp - current_timestamp_group_.timestamp;
// 将rtp的时间差值转换为ms,乘上采样频率 1 / 90.
int64_t ts_delta_ms = timestamp_to_ms_coeff_ * timestamp_diff + 0.5;
if (ts_delta_ms == 0)
return true;
int propagation_delta_ms = arrival_time_delta_ms - ts_delta_ms;
// 传播时间差,即当前包的RTT小于上一个包的RTT,且到达时间差小于爆发的阈值
return propagation_delta_ms < 0 &&
arrival_time_delta_ms <= kBurstDeltaThresholdMs;
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